2020/09/06، 09:04 AM
Whether the Commercial emails, I send across is getting delivered to the In boxes (Deliverability) Whether I have to pay any attention to the subject lineWhat kind of
liste de téléphone des consommateurs reports the Marketer should get on his Campaigns Is email marketing all about Direct ROI or is it has an intangible value to the advertiser.Let me share my experience with a leading Retail chain in India, during one of our marketing discussions. They were running a regular loyalty programme to their entire email database; And regular mailers were targeted to these "opted in " users on a bi monthly basis. The moment we spoke about list hygiene, the marketing team said they "believe" their database is good. Still there can be 5 % Invalid addresses" .Finally as we ran the first mail shot to the entire database, to our surprise (client's too), almost 30 % of the database was invalid email addresses; We initiated the list cleaning activity and even after that the first mail shot resulted only 90 % deliverability.