(کاربر جدید)

تاریخ ثبت نام: 2020/08/12
تاریخ تولد: 1997/03/10 (27 ساله)
زمان محلی: 2025/02/22 , 11:26 PM
وضعیت: آفلاین

اطلاعات انجمن Parvinmita
تاریخ عضویت: 2020/08/12
آخرین بازدید: 2020/08/12، 02:55 PM
کل ارسال‌ها: 1 (0 ارسال در هر روز | 0.02 درصد از کل ارسال‌ها)
(یافتن تمامی ارسال‌ها)
کل موضوع‌ها: 1 (0 موضوع در هر روز | 0.02 درصد از کل موضوع‌ها)
(یافتن تمامی موضوع‌ها)
مدت زمان حضور در انجمن: 4 دقیقه, 10 ثانیه
تعداد کاربران معرفی کرده: 0
اعتبار: 0 [جزییات]

اطلاعات تماسِ Parvinmita
ایمیل: ارسال یک ایمیل به Parvinmita.
پیام خصوصی: ارسال یک پیام خصوصی به Parvinmita.
اطلاعات اضافی درباره‌ی Parvinmita
محل زندگی: bangladesh
زندگی‌نامه: The Jitterbug J is very easy to use. It is an ideal telephone for the old and for the individuals who has helpless vision on the grounds that the Jitter Dial contains extremely brilliant presentation and its keypad is appealing with a devoted ON and OFF catches just as YES and NO catches alongside two straightforward bolt enters in the center to look through records.

The number keys are likewise huge and material so extremely simple to dial. The Jitterbug J telephone likewise contains the speakerphone which is helpful for its clients. It has a simple to discover button on the upper left to kill the speaker on or.

The Jitterbug J contains astounding highlights like voice message, voice dialing, A battery the executives ready which tells the client when the telephone needs the charging. The telephone has incredible battery life.

You can likewise get a remote headset, on the off chance that you would prefer not to put the telephone to your ear.

What's more, one progressively significant element is the upside of making the rundowns. The client can make the rundown and can refresh the rundown by means of the administrator or through the protected site page on GreatCall. The Jitterbug J telephone is discharged by another Mobile Virtual Network Operator called GreatCall.

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